The Top 3 Security Questions Your Board Is Likely to Ask

Cybercrimes are rising by the day, and so are the security alliance programs. We have been encountering so many security breaches over the curse of the last few years. These cases are signs warning us about the rapidness by which the cyber security industry is proceeding and progressing. As time goes by, new devices are introduced to the internet. It results in newer methods of cyber exploitation and gives rise to cybercrime.

The fact is, your valuable data can never be truly and completely safe. One of the most dangerous cyber exploits today isn’t done through the internet at a distance. It’s close in your vicinity, that being the untouchable mindset.

The security board has become much more informed and prepared to cater to the challenges posed by the companies’ security audit programs. They have grown with more complex and nuanced dialogues with security and risk management giants. All thanks to the need to achieve digital aims amid the growing cyber security threats for remote teams.

  • This is why it is unlikely for them to ask basic questions such as:
  • How secure is our company?
  • Why do we need finance for security?
  • Why do we need to get our security compliance renewed when we just applied it X year?
  • How is it possible that we got hacked X number of times?

Rather, the board might ask much more precise questions in their probes.

Stating that, here are some of the questions that are most likely to be asked by the security board of your organization.

How Do We Know that We Are Aptly Protected?

According to our research, this question will most probably be the kick-off to the board’s conversation. Members of the board would have come across many threat reports, data stealth cases, articles, blogs, and news segments everywhere. It makes them question whether the business they are a part of is truly safe or not.

But the regulatory stress and risk understanding can come from vendors and prospects as well. This particular question will further give birth to more such questions like:

  • How do we stack up?
  • How is our information and data maintained and managed?
  • Are we losing business?
  • Are we losing deals to competitors because they possess SOC 2 or ISO 27001 compliance?
  • Have we done our vendor’s risk assessment?
  • Are we up to date on our certifications and attestations?

What the board wants to know are the actual plan and the details. However, a company can’t be 100% safe, and it’s perfectly fine but that mustn’t allow one to be lenient with their security compliances.

What is Our Most Sensitive Information?

As we have mentioned before, data breach nowadays is inevitable. The wait for a data breach is not an IF but a WHEN. So, as you move on to creating your security program and completing your risk assessment, you are responsible to look out for all the types of data you work with and where all of it is stored.

Hackers have too much time on their hands, and they’re clever. They spend a copious amount of time analyzing and studying companies and industries, evaluating the most valuable information and what is the best bang for their bucks.

Your board may wonder whether you have separated regular data from crucial one that is unrecoverable. You are responsible for selecting a risk assessment plan that fits your business like a glove. Start your data segregation by creating sets of data in a sequence of high-priority to low priority. Following up with that, your security sector can create a strategic plan around protecting the gems of your data.

Are We Appropriately Allocating Our Resources?

This is probably going to be the most challenging question for you to answer. When your board asks this question, it expects you to show the ROI.

This question will breed further questions like:

  • Are we spending enough money?
  • Why are we spending so much money?
  • How is our security compliance better as compared to others?
  • Is there a tool available to help us?
  • What is the need for all this money when we can’t get guaranteed protection on our data?
  • Is something lacking on our side?

Availing ROI on cyber-security is a complex task if not impossible. For example, if we talk about SOC 2 Compliance, it requires lots of resources, time, expertise, and experience. The board will be amused if you work smarter and not harder. This is the type of ROI they crave. It proves you to be a trustworthy organization in the eyes of your investors, vendors, and potential customers.

We Can Help You Tackle These Questions

The board can put up more such questions like what is our first response to a data breach. Or do we need cyber insurance? There is a limit to which you, as a business, can answer all of these questions. This is where we come forth.

under controls management system can help your company ensure to have strong and thorough security compliance as well as assist you through the process of security questioning.

This can provide your customers with the confidence that you have the necessary processes and practices in place to protect their data.

So, what is the wait for?

Contact under-controls management system as soon as possible. We are there to help you move ahead.

28 thoughts on “The Top 3 Security Questions Your Board Is Likely to Ask”

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